
How do we ge the job done?

We use a combination of Graston Therapy, Percussion Therapy, PNF Stretching, and Joint Manipulations to offer a comprehensive approach to musculoskeletal health. Each method targets different aspects of tissue health and function.

Graston focuses on breaking down scar tissue and enhancing soft tissue function. Percussion therapy promotes circulation, reduces muscle soreness, and speeds up recovery. PNF stretching emphasizes optimal flexibility and muscle function. Lastly, joint manipulations ensure that the skeletal system aligns properly, promoting efficient movement and reducing pain.

When integrated, these therapies work synergistically, maximizing the benefits of each and providing a holistic treatment that addresses the complexities of the human body. This combined approach ensures that every aspect, from soft tissue to joint health, is addressed, leading to quicker recovery, improved mobility, and overall enhanced physical well-being.

Whether you’re active or not, percussion therapy provides numerous benefits for muscle health, relaxation, and overall well-being. It’s a versatile tool that many can benefit from! We use the Hypoervolt 2 Pro massage gun for deep- penetrating relief to stiff muscles.


  1. Faster Muscle Recovery: Helps muscles heal and grow quicker after workouts.

  2. Less Soreness: Reduces that post-workout ache, getting you back in action sooner.

  3. Improved Flexibility: Breaks up muscle “knots”, giving you a better range of motion.

  4. Warm-Up & Activation: Prepares muscles for exercise, reducing injury risk.

  5. Clears Lactic Acid: Helps muscles feel less tired and sore after intense activity.

  6. Better Circulation: Delivers more oxygen and nutrients to muscles, aiding recovery and overall health.

  7. Pain Relief: Helps with daily aches and chronic pain conditions.

  8. Stress Reduction: Relaxes muscles and calms the mind.

  9. Better Sleep: Relaxes the body, aiding in a restful night.

Graston Therapy, or Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), offers several advantages over traditional manual techniques that utilize hands, arms, or elbows. Here’s some of the reasons we utilise Graston Therapy over traditional manual methods:


  1. Precision: The tools used in Graston Therapy are specially designed to target specific problem areas with greater accuracy than the broad surfaces of hands or elbows.

  2. Deeper Mobilization: Instruments can effectively reach deeper tissues that might be difficult to access with manual techniques, allowing for a more profound mobilization.

  3. Detection: The metal instruments can help therapists identify scar tissue or adhesions through vibrations or feedback they feel when moving the tool over an area of dysfunction.

  4. Less Pain for Patients: Although some discomfort can be expected, some patients find the pressure from tools to be more tolerable than thumbs or elbows, especially over bony areas.

  5. Increased Blood Flow: The friction generated by the tools can promote better circulation in the treated area compared to softer manual methods.

  6. Consistency: Instruments provide a consistent level of force and treatment quality, especially beneficial for repeated sessions.

  7. Efficacy in Shorter Time: The efficiency of tools might lead to notable results in fewer sessions compared to manual methods.

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching is a more advanced form of flexibility training that involves both the stretching and contracting of the targeted muscle group.


  1. Maximum Flexibility Gains: PNF is known to be one of the most effective techniques for boosting range of motion, benefiting both athletic performance and daily mobility.

  2. Enhanced Muscle Recovery: Its contract-relax nature can aid in faster muscle recovery post-exercise or after long periods of sedentary behavior.

  3. Reduced Injury Risk: Improved flexibility and muscle function from PNF can decrease the likelihood of injuries, whether in sports or daily activities.

  4. Targeted Approach: PNF can be specifically tailored to address particular muscle groups or problem areas, providing customized care.

  5. Pain Relief: Can help alleviate tension-based pain points, commonly found in areas like the lower back, shoulders, or neck.

  6. Better Posture & Mobility: Assists in posture correction and enhances overall mobility, crucial for those with desk jobs or sedentary lifestyles.

  7. Stress Reduction: Physical relaxation resulting from stretching not only benefits muscles but can also lead to mental and emotional stress relief.

  8. Safe & Controlled: PNF involves active engagement, giving individuals more control compared to some passive stretches.

  9. Holistic Treatment: When paired with Graston and percussion therapy, PNF offers a comprehensive approach to muscle and tissue health.

Joint manipulations, often associated with chiropractic care, osteopathy, and some forms of physical therapy, involve the application of controlled force to a joint, moving it beyond its passive range of motion. The goal is to restore function, improve mobility, and alleviate pain. These techniques can release trapped air bubbles in the joints, resulting in the characteristic ‘pop’ sound. For many individuals, joint manipulations can be a key component in a holistic approach to health and wellness.


  1. Improved Mobility: Restores and enhances joint function, making movement smoother and more comfortable.

  2. Pain Relief: Directly addresses and often reduces joint discomfort or musculoskeletal pain.

  3. Restoration of Function: Can help in cases where joint restrictions lead to reduced functionality in daily activities or sports.

  4. Enhanced Nervous System Function: May help in the better functioning of the nervous system by affecting the nerves in the treated areas.

  5. Reduced Stiffness: Alleviates joint and muscular stiffness, especially beneficial after periods of inactivity.

  6. Postural Improvement: Can aid in correcting postural imbalances, which are often the underlying cause of discomfort or pain.

  7. Increased Circulation: Boosts blood flow to the treated areas, promoting healing and overall joint health.

  8. Stress Relief: Physical alignment and relief from pain can lead to an overall sense of well-being and stress reduction.

Joint manipulations are not just for those who are experiencing significant pain or issues; they can be beneficial for anyone looking to maintain optimal joint health, enhance mobility, and achieve a balanced, well-functioning musculoskeletal system.